The Laufer Center
for Physical and Quantitative Biology
Our research is diverse.
We model, simulate, and measure the actions of biomolecules.
We insert gene circuits into cells.
We design modulators of cell fate/decision processes.
We discover drug candidates.
We develop math and physics for deeper understanding of biological systems’ structure, dynamics, machinery, evolution, and interactions.
News & Events
Jan 21st- Faculty Lunch Talk
Speaker: Carlos Simmerling, PhD
Department: Chemistry; Laufer Center
Talk Title: "Improving the accuracy and precision of physics-based biomolecular simulations"
Dec 19th-Laufer Center Holiday Gathering
Holiday Gathering! ❄️ By invitation only
4:00 - 5:00 PM in the LC Hub
Nov. 21st - Seminar-Ashley Wolf
Joint Seminar: Laufer Center and SBU Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Talk Title: “Interplay between the gut microbiome and infectious disease”
SBU Brings Home Gold Medal at the iGEM Competition
November 13, 2024 – For the third time ever, Stony Brook University’s International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) team brought home the gold medal from the iGEM Giant Jamboree.
POST PONED (TBD) Seminar- Christian Aponte-Rivera
Stony Brook University -
Nov. 15, 2024 LC Seminar
Speaker: Benjamin Lin, PhD
Assistant Professor, Cell dynamics and motility (Biochemistry & Cell Biology) Talk Title: " Deconstructing amoeboid cell migration in vivo”
Nov. 12, 2024- Faculty Lunch Talk
Speaker: Maria Nagan, PhD
Join Us! SBU Investiture Ceremony
On Friday, October 25, a celebration featuring four of our Laufer Center faculty in recognition of their outstanding research and scholarship:
October 10, 2024 Ivet Bahar- ICB&DD Annual Symposium Speaker
1:00 pm - Dr. Ivet Bahar, Louis and Beatrice Laufer Endowed Chair and Director of the Laufer Center
Researcher of the Month
Yuu-u (Loy) Hashimoto
Major: Biology
Research Mentors: Dr. Eugene Serebryany, Physiology & Biophysics (current); Dr. Natasha Vitek, Ecology & Evolution (previous)
Markus Seeliger
2024 Faculty Awards: Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring: Markus Seeliger
Carlos, invited to ABRCSM Leadership Development Academy
Laufer Center student Carlos Ventura is invited to participate in the Leadership Development Academy
Eugene Serebryany
Cracking the Code at the NSF Ideas Lab on Protein Design!
Now Hiring!
AI3 Director search
Stony Brook launched a search for the inaugural director of a new AI Innovation Institute.
Now Hiring!
The Laufer Center is recruiting a Tenure-track Endowment Assistant Professor. We seek creative individuals who will do cutting-edge research and lead collaborative research initiatives.
Celebrating Excellence: Matthew Named NIH T32 Fellow in CBTP!
We are thrilled to announce that Matthew Licht has been selected as a NIH T32 Fellow in the prestigious Chemical Biology Training Program (CBTP) at Stony Brook University.
Young Minds, Big Discoveries
Thank you to all who participated in the Laufer Center’s symposium for high school students carrying out protein research!
President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Congratulations to Lauren Raguette for 2024 Graduate School Award! Lauren is a PhD candidate in Chemistry and member of the Simmerling lab. Way to go, Lauren!
2024 Biophysical Society Fellow
Congratulations to Ivet Bahar for being elected 2024 BPS Fellow! This award honors the Society’s distinguished members who have demonstrated excellence in science and contributed to the expansion of the field.
Congratulations, Charles!
The Laufer Center extends its warmest congratulations to PhD student, Charles Kocher, for winning the SBU Dept of Physics and Astronomy’s Award for 2024 Outstanding Theoretical Physics Thesis!
Turning Drug Resistance Against Itself
Gábor Balázsi and his lab members investigate how DNA amplification in cancer could halt chemoresistance!
Congratulations, Josh Rest!
Stony Brook Dean's Award for Excellence in Service