Oct. 10, 2024 ICB&DD 18th Annual Symposium
Thursday, October 10 2024 (9:00AM–5:00PM; Reception 5:00–6:00PM)
Charles Wang Center
“Frontiers of Neuroscience and Drug Discovery”
We are pleased to announce the ICB&DD 18th Annual Symposium, “Frontiers of Neuroscience and Drug Discovery” which will be held at the Charles Wang Center on Thursday, October 10 2024 (9:00AM–5:00PM; Reception 5:00–6:00PM). The ICB&DD Annual Symposium is thematically focused on cutting-edge advances in chemical biology, structural and computational biology, cancer and infectious diseases, and drug discovery. The Symposium invites renowned scholars in the field as well as highly recognized researchers on campus to present their exciting accomplishments and stimulate the exchange of innovative ideas among speakers, faculty, staff, and students on campus as well as researchers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, academia and industries in the greater NY metropolitan area.
The Plenary Lecturers this year are:
Dr. Anissa Abi-Dargham, Stony Brook University
Dr. Cristina Alberini, New York University
Dr. Michelle James, Stanford University
Dr. Jonathan Javitch, Columbia University
Dr. Scott Laughlin, Stony Brook University
Dr. Iván Montoya, National Institute on Drug Abuse
Dr. David Sulzer, Columbia University
There will be poster sessions on recently completed and ongoing projects conducted in the ICB&DD member's laboratories as well as relevant research laboratories in the area. Awards will be given to the best three posters.